But I'm not bashing Britney. I can gladly admit that I DO like her music. (Her albums sit proudly alongside my Nirvana, The Cure, and Aerosmith albums. Weird, I know.) Her personal life, or what I've seen of it, I quite frankly don't care about. In other words, I'm not happy to see that big time book companies like Little Brown, Random House, and HarperCollins are willing to chase her like this.
Then I stop, think about it, and realize, people WILL buy her books. Just as everyone compusively buys those juicy gossip magazines, a set of books actually written from Spears' perspective would be like the Bible to them. They'll sell faster than cheap beer at a frat house.
Needless to say, it was settled. Ms. Britney Spears will be receiving ten million big ones for a three to five book series regarding the crazy, drunken road she's been down. Struggling, aspiring writers who can't get a publishing company to glance at their work will have to continue eating Easy Mac for the time being. As our economy is severely tattered, the rich are continuing to get richer. This Britney Spears' book deal further exemplifies the instance. Not to mention, that another ridiculous book will be hitting the bookshelves of Barnes and Noble and Borders within the next few years. But perhaps I'm jumping the gun. Maybe it will be worth buying a copy and taking a peek. Does the princess of pop have a few more tricks up her sleeve?
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