So when they ask me, "Tiffanie, why don't you start writing a book?" Well besides the fact that I am the absolute best at procrastination, writer's block has been known to taunt and torture me severely with some of my biggest writing projects. The thought of writing a novel scares the hell out of me. Yet after I finish writing a piece and read through it, I realize it's what I truly love. Completing an entire book is definitely on my "To Do" list before I die.
But can I do it? Well if it wasn't for the procrastination issue and the writer's block disease, it would have already been done. There should be a self help class for people who suffer from the two. But alas, there is not. At least not that I know of.
There are a few things that I've found that help me. Good tunes, a cup of coffee, and reading an interesting article will usually spark my creative brain waves into motion. Staying away from Facebook or any other social network is definitely mandatory. Facebook is the equivalency of heroin for people with a procrastination issue. Not a good idea to get on when you're trying to find motivation for writing a 15 page paper.
So perhaps when I graduate and finish my cross country road trip, I'll finally start my book. (Did I just procrastinate?) I know for sure that I'll base it off times of my life. I only wonder how much my ruthless disease of procrastination and writer's block will interfere with it.
I swear to God I felt like I was reading what the voices in my head say to me. THIS IS ALL SO TRUE AND SO ME jdgfvkdjbgvgkjdxbg;
ReplyDeleteFacebook and Tumblr distract me so badly. And I have terrible writers block as well as a slight case of I guess, ADHD or whatever - I cannot focus for the life of me sometimes. It is so hard. And I procrastinate so badly.....
>.< there DOES need to be classes for this!